Sky's the Limit

Sky's the Limit - Elle Aycart I received this book as a gift. Normally, I enter giveaways for authors 'new to me'. To be honest, I've read and enjoyed Elle's books before- its's been a loonnnng while. Her stories are sexy and funny and always have some underlying issues dealt in realism. However, Elle is my 'Before BookFriends' author, so following her and clicking got buried under the avalanche of recommendations.

Fast forward: I won Sky's the Limit book and made it my 10hr plane ride read. It is everything I wanted. It was funny and slightly out there at times. It's two people who believe they are not meant for each other but somehow are the right fit. And figure that out that they belong together. The secondary characters are hilarious and you can't help but actually learn to love their brand of craziness. She made me remember why I LOVED Heavy Issues amongst others in the Bowen Boys.
But... most importantly she tackled an issue with grace and perfection.

My 'hard limit' on books that tackle mental health issues. Its been my world for so long I feel the need to escape. And then I start to analyze how the author addresses the issue. So, yes, Sky's touches on depression but does so without using the topic unnecessarily.

So this gift brought me a return to an author who's writing I love.
5 out of 5 stars.